12 Cities 12 Months: The Intro



When I was young, my parents used to take us on road trips in the summer. We would take week long vacations to wherever. We went to Chicago, Atlanta, Denver, San Antonio, Austin, you name it. As a result, they cultivated and nurtured my dream of seeing the world even if it was just in America. Hence, this little dream/challenge of mine was born! To see 12 Cities in 12 Months.

Since that time, pictures of vast travels and far lands have filled my Instagram timeline. I’ve dreamed constantly of packing my bags and heading on to my next adventure. Travelers (Explorers, let’s call them explorers) like Asiyami Gold, Estare, and naturalNiecey have taken me on journeys to places unknown. (Thank you Internet!)

Through carefully curated and documented photos, they’ve created this burning urge inside me to go as far as my heart leads me, to explore all the places I have ever only imagined seeing. The clear blue oceans of Bali, the Spice Mountains in the markets of Morocco, and the spacious Palm Tree Forests of Ghana. Anywhere I can go, I will gladly go. (As long as I can afford it) (corporate America is hard lol)

So here I start my journey. To find myself in the different cities I explore. To love myself completely. To traverse the world one awesome city, one awesome country at a time.

I’m on a journey to follow my dreams and live my best life, and I hope this inspires you to do the same.

Checkout my next blog post on my trip to Seattle, for 12 Cities in 12 Months: September.



I’ve actually been to a couple of places this year. I fulfilled my goal of traveling to 3 places this year already. I’ve been to New Orleans, Pittsburgh and Seattle.


New Orleans was great! I have some of our pictures below! When I went to Pittsburg, I happened to be sick the entire trip 🙁 so I didn’t get any nice pictures.