How to Deal with the Quarantine Blues


We’re all in this and we are all here.

Some of us are finding quarantine to be enjoyable while others (like myself) have found it a bit uncomfortable. I have always been more introverted with occasional extroverted tendencies, but not being able  to see people I see regularly has been somewhat exhausting. Who really wants to see the inside of their house all day every day. I’m sure all of us can relate in some way.

Even though I hated it at first, I’ve found some enjoyable ways to deal with this new life in quarantine or self isolation and I’m going to be sharing that in this post.

Doing nothing at all

MY mind is almost always in grind mode. One thing I’ve found pleasure in on some days is basically doing nothing at all. Or at least nothing I consider productive. With working from home, it’s been hard to see a separation between work and my home. One thing I’ve done is started playing video games to just let me relax and have fun. I bought a PS4 Pro at the beginning of isolation and it was a really good investment. I literally just finished God of War, and it was worth all the time I spent on it.

Starting a new hobby

There are so many hobbies that you could start during this time (if you want to). One thing I’ve taken up (so has half of America) is baking bread. I’m currently getting together my sourdough starter from aa recipe I got on (link to recipe here).

I’ve also rekindled my love for doing my own nails and just purchased a gel nail kit from Apres Nails.

There are so many things you could do, it’s just up to you. The good thing is, none of it has to end when quarantine is over)

Getting/Staying Active

It’s easy to stay at home and do nothing (I’m very guilty of this). I personally used to take over 10,000 steps before COVID-19 and I wanted to keep that up, so I’ve been taking walks twice daily, or a really long walk once daily. I’ve also incorporated going for runs and they’ve vastly helped with my mood.

getting into a routine

One of the things that my therapist recommended for me early on after I was feeling demotivated for everything was to set up a daily routine for myself. This helps to keep me on track and allows me to set time aside for things I really want to do. My everyday routine goes something like this:

    1. Wake Up and do Devotion
    2. Take a shower/ Do skincare
    3. Head to work (in my home office) I still work a 9-5 so I have to report for work daily
    4. Have a protein shake and take my daily vitamins
    5. Head out for my first walk of the day
    6. Lunch
    7. Finish work
    8. Workout and second walk
    9. Do something chill – play video games, edit, watch tv

I got this devotion from Amazon here

Get a pet

You all have met Bentley from my last post (here). We’ve been doing great and he’s turning into such a big boy. There are many options for getting a pet such as adopting or purchasing from a reputable and ethical breeder. Make sure you do your research!

I know things have started to reopen so I hope you all are staying safe!

Much love!
xx Adetomi